Using a ‘gen-set’ to extract the energy.
In contrast, when the
heating fuel energy is released in a motor, it not only allows for more efficient heat recovery from the engine cooling system plus
additional exhaust cooling and as well makes use of the motors’ torque energy to turn an electrical generator. Through
which it more than doubles the usable energy output, resulting in more than an equivilent amount of additional and completely
free energy in the form of electricity.
Making use of nearly
all of the available energy in a gallon of home heating oil/diesel fuel, in this application would result in;
Combustion Heat for house # 1
- With a 95% Heat Extraction Efficiency of the 138,000 BTU input = 131,100 BTU (about 13.1 KW/H) in “Home Heat
Output” (sufficient to heat a *1,311 square foot home, @ 1KWH/ 100 square feet) or heat a 1,104 sq ft. @110,400
BTU and have 20,700 btu or 2.7 KWH left over.
Electric Heat for house # 2
- Include the additional *20 KW/H of free electricity* produced from the motors' torque energy. Which translates into
200,000 BTU . With 11.04 KWH to heat a second *1,140 square foot house with 8.96 KWH left over, add on the previous
2.7 KWH = 11.66 KWH plenty enough to heat a third house with .62 KWH available for lighting. Or have;
11.66 KWH of Opperational Electricity.
This would be adequate electricity for major appliance operation and house lighting for both as well. Any electricity
not needed for auxiliary appliances is re-directed by the sequence processor to heating elements in the heating system and
utilized there.
In Summery,
Let us compare
the net recovery of energy from the one gallon of fuel oil that the boiler recovered 110,400 BTU from capable of heating 'one'
1,104 square foot house.
(10,000 BTU = about 1 KWH)
Total recovery = 11.04
To the net recovery from the 'gen-set',
The 'gen-set' energy extraction method would be capeable of adequately heating (2) two homes @ 1,104 square feet
each and supplying electrical power for both also!
Net, 110,400 BTU recovery in example house # 1, = 11.04 KWH
Plus the 110,400 electric heat for house # 2,
=+11.04 KWH
... And independent electrical power for both.
=+ 11.6 6 KWH
'equivlent' energy recovered
= 33.74 KWH!